12/29/2017: WOMAN SEES WORLD says goodbye to 2017 and welcomes in 2018 with new content and a regular schedule. Hear from the author on what is and what shall be. 🙂
Time out? Yeah, I took one. Let’s make a long story short and say your author moved her entire life to a new city. In the frenzy that came with such a transition, she allowed herself to take a much longer time-out from her labor of love than intended.
The holidays are over and here I am renewed to be in a new town and looking to the sunrise every morning, excited to wake up! I’m beyond ready to who you what I’ve discovered through my numerous interviews with women from all walks of life.
I began this project four years ago from a seedling of an idea that sprung, actually, 10 years ago. I won’t go into the entirety of it all but the main focus and continued goal of WSW is to tell the story of womandom from the perspective of actual women. Unfiltered. Candid. Real topics and concerns of women. Ultimately WSW lifts the veil of personas all women carry and allows them to express themselves unabashedly and gladly. The ability to express opinions in a safe space allow women to connect with and see themselves in other women they don’t know and will never meet. Likely, ones they assumed they had nothing in common with. It’s an anonymous yet powerful shared female experience.
Grander goals accompany this creative endeavor, to be sure, and we’ll get into those as you follow along. Wink, wink.
For now, understand what I am presenting you with. Woman Sees World is a look into the mind of the modern woman, how she sees the world and her place in it.
This will come to you in a vlog format – short audio clips taken from full length interviews made into visual sound bytes for you to click upon and listen to.
This conversation between women reveals what they really think about everything, from love and family to politics and business and of course, most importantly, the issues surrounding gender and being a woman.
No woman is off limits. No topic is off limits. All women, regardless of their age, race, background, beliefs or politics are welcomed to be interviewed and express their opinions. The interviews are ongoing and content will be continuously added.
This project began long before the social #metoo movement, but as with all things women are doing, the upwelling is continuous and growing in strength. Through the interviews, there’s been a very common thread of sexual harassment, chauvinism and outright assault that is an unfortunate shared experience all women have. I have yet to find one who doesn’t have at least one story of some sort of sexual aggressiveness of inappropriateness from men in a variety of situations. I know there will be more, and I have much more to say on that topic as we enter into 2018.
The Era of the Woman is upon us right here and now, and woman are recognizing their power and grabbing it.
WSW is back, baby, and ready to provide you with content captured while out and about in the world, interviewing women and digging deeper into our shared experience. Hear what she thinks; see the world how she sees it, connect with her.
Let’s find out what these interviews uncover and what revitalizing conversations these females can inspire by sharing their unfiltered opinions. Conversations worth having!